Saved by a Stranger: Mystery bystander saves a life with CPR
It’s a crisp Monday morning in Gresham, Oregon, and the sun has yet to crest the horizon. James Munson, 42, heads out the door, hops on his bike and starts his daily 7-mile ride to work. Along the Springwater Corridor Trail he rides, flanked by damp ferns, quiet woods, sleepy creatures, and the stillness of dawn.
READ MORELeaky Heart Valve Takes Road Cyclist Down a New Course
An avid cyclist, Peter Tuenge was surprised to find out he had a heart valve condition that needed surgery. The grit and determination he honed on his bike drove him to find Dr. Thomas Molloy, who offered him a robotic surgery repair that meant a shorter recovery.
READ MOREDon't Take a Holiday from Exercise
When the holiday rush is in full gear, there's plenty to do — from attending gatherings to tracking down last-minute gifts. No wonder you might struggle to stick to your exercise regimen, like a lot of us do this time of year.
READ MOREHeart Patient Donates Retirement Account
A lot of people imagine philanthropy is just for the rich and famous. But one Adventist Health Northwest Heart Center patient begs to differ.
READ MORERobotic Mitral Valve Surgery: Video
Dr. Thomas Molloy from Adventist Health Northwest Heart Center explains mitral insufficiency and minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery for patients. Visit Dr. Molloy’s profile here See how Dr. Molloy helped this patient with mitral insufficiency One of the most common problems we treat is mitral insufficiency.